Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not uncommon. They can occur at anytime, anywhere and in anyone. The main thing is to recognize the disease timely and to treat it correctly. Often, self-medication can simply hide the symptoms and cause significant harm to the body. Don’t be indifferent to your own health; seek the help of our specialists.
Gastroenterology is a branch of medicine that studies diseases of the digestive system, methods of their diagnosis and treatment.
The gastroenterologist of the Salutas Medical Center provides consultations on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, liver, pancreas, parasitic diseases.
Significant spread of diseases of the digestive system is primarily due to the consumption of junk food. For example, preservatives, semi-finished products, simple carbohydrates, carbonated beverages, products rich in dyes, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers and the like. All these products, systematically entering the body, cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system with the subsequent development of local inflammation, erosions, ulcers, etc. Not everyone knows that, for example, fried foods are carcinogenic, that is, those that can cause cancer. Why? The oil on which the food is fried, with repeated use, acquire carcinogenic properties. A striking example is french fries, because oil is not changed before frying the next portions of potatoes, Oil is used several times. No one claims that a portion of french fries will cause disease, it is a question of systematic, daily consumption of junk food.
- • Food offered by fast food restaurants contains a large number of flavor enhancers and emulsifiers (that’s why it seems so delicious, but not useful). In addition to the fact that these products contribute to overweight, they can provoke various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastroenteritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease);
- • fried, smoked, canned products of dubious quality can cause not only poisoning, but also such a dangerous disease as botulism;
- • simple carbohydrates in significant quantities (sugar, cakes, pies, jams, candies, pastries, cookies), contribute to overweight and irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
- • carbonated drinks, colored waters, juices with a high content of sugar and preservatives for extended shelf life;
- • sausage, smoked meats, frankfurters, all these products contain a large number of additives, in order to have an attractive appearance, bright taste and long shelf life. Besides, if you bake meat in the oven at home and compare it with baked meat from the store, their appearance and taste will be significantly different;
- • mayonnaise, sauces, ketchup; these products have no benefits other than calories and artificial additives and are harmful to the body.
Healthy food
- • vegetables and fruit, the origin of which you know, preferably seasonal in raw form or with minimal heat treatment;
- • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn porridge, etc.);
- • lean poultry, steamed fish or baked in the oven;
- • wholemeal bread, pasta from durum wheat;
- • natural water, homemade fresh juices.
Symptoms of gastrointestinal pathology that can not be ignored and should seek professional advice:
- • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation that often recur and cause discomfort;
- • pain in the abdomen and stomach;
- • pathological impurities in the stool (mucus, blood);
- • heaviness in the stomach even after eating a small amount of food;
- • decreased appetite;
- • a sharp increase or loss of weight;
- • feeling of chronic fatigue, reduced efficiency, exhaustion;
- • skin rash in combination with impaired defecation;
- • flatulence (excessive flatulence).
The priority areas of work of the gastroenterologist of the Salutas Medical Center are:
- • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastropathy, peptic ulcer disease);
- • functional disorders of the digestive system (dyspepsia, reflux disease of the esophagus, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea);
- • inflammatory diseases of the small and large intestine (nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease);
- • parasitic diseases, polyps, celiac disease.
- • consultative care of a gastroenterologist includes the use of modern diagnostic methods: videogastroscopy and colonoscopy, operative video and gastroscopy.
In the current fast pace of your life, try to find time for yourself and for life itself, be attentive to your body and do not ignore the problems that do not allow you to live fully.